Love, Joy, Peace...
Child's Name (Required)
Please enter first and last name
Date of Birth (Required)
School Year (Required)
Next of Kin/Carer Names (Required)
Contact Phone Number (Required)
Contact Email (Required)
Are there any allergies or health issues we should be aware of? (Required)
Do you give permission for photos and/or video that is taken during SBKids to be used on Swansea District Baptist Church's social media platforms and website? (Required)
No names will ever be used unless prior permission has been granted
I am aware that the SBKids leadership team will do their best to ensure the safety and enjoyment of my child. If any medical aid is required I (or someone I have given my child's care to) will be onsite to make any decisions. (Required)
The following people have permission to collect my child from SBKids (Required)